Introducing Transporter, a new bridging app powered by CCIP. Go cross-chain.


Errors API Reference

When invoking the ccipSend function, it is possible to encounter various errors. These might be thrown either by the CCIP router or by one of the downstream contracts called by the CCIP router. Below is a compiled list of potential errors you might encounter. Referencing this list will enable you to capture and handle these exceptions gracefully.


Error Parameters Error Selector Description
UnsupportedDestinationChain uint64 destChainSelector 0xae236d9c Thrown when the destination chain is not supported.
InsufficientFeeTokenAmount - 0x07da6ee6 Thrown when the CCIP fees are paid with native tokens, but not enough is sent with the transaction.
InvalidMsgValue - 0x1841b4e1 Thrown when the CCIP fees are _not_ paid in native tokens, but `msg.value` is non-zero.


Error Parameters Error Selector Description
CannotSendZeroTokens - 0x5cf04449 Thrown when the user tries to send a zero amount of tokens.
InvalidAddress bytes encodedAddress 0x370d875f Thrown when the receiver address is invalid.
InvalidChainSelector uint64 chainSelector 0xd9a9cd68 Thrown when an invalid destination chain selector is used.
InvalidExtraArgsTag - 0x5247fdce Thrown when an invalid extra arguments tag is used.
MaxFeeBalanceReached - 0xe5c7a491 Thrown when the onRamp has reached its maximum fee storage capacity. If it is full, it cannot process new transactions.
MessageGasLimitTooHigh - 0x4c4fc93a Thrown when the gas limit is too high.
MessageTooLarge uint256 maxSize
uint256 actualSize
0x86933789 Thrown when the message size exceeds the maximum allowed size.
MustBeCalledByRouter - 0x1c0a3529 This error should never be thrown as the router always makes the call.
NotAFeeToken address token 0xa7499d20 Thrown when an unsupported fee token is used.
RouterMustSetOriginalSender - 0xa4ec7479 This error should never be thrown as the router always sets the sender.
SenderNotAllowed address sender 0xd0d25976 Thrown when the sender is not allowlisted.
UnsupportedNumberOfTokens - 0x4c056b6a Thrown when too many tokens are involved in the transfer.
UnsupportedToken IERC20 token 0xbf16aab6 Thrown when an unsupported transfer token is used.


Error Parameters Error Selector Description
AggregateValueMaxCapacityExceeded uint256 capacity
uint256 requested
0xf94ebcd1 Thrown when the user requests to transfer more value than the capacity of the aggregate rate limit bucket.
AggregateValueRateLimitReached uint256 minWaitInSeconds
uint256 available
0x15279c08 Thrown when the user requests to transfer more value than currently available in the bucket. The user might have to wait for at least `minWaitInSeconds` for enough availability or transfer the currently `available` amount.
BucketOverfilled - 0x9725942a This error should never be thrown as it indicates an invalid bucket state.
PriceNotFoundForToken address token 0x9a655f7b Thrown when a price cannot be found for a specific token.
TokenMaxCapacityExceeded uint256 capacity
uint256 requested
address tokenAddress
0x1a76572a Thrown when the user requests to transfer more of a token than the capacity of the bucket.
TokenRateLimitReached uint256 minWaitInSeconds
uint256 available
address tokenAddress
0xd0c8d23a Thrown when the user requests to transfer more of a token than currently available in the bucket. The user might have to wait at least `minWaitInSeconds` for enough availability, or transfer the currently `available` amount.


Error Description
ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance Thrown when the amount to be burned exceeds the pool balance.
ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance Thrown when the transfer amount exceeds the allowance.


Error Parameters Error Selector Description
ChainNotSupported uint64 chain 0x2e59db3a Thrown when a chain is not supported.
StaleGasPrice uint64 destChainSelector
uint256 threshold
uint256 timePassed
0xf08bcb3e Thrown when the gas price is stale.
TokenNotSupported address token 0x06439c6b Thrown when a token is not supported.
StaleTokenPrice address token
uint256 threshold
uint256 timePassed
0xc65fdfca Thrown when the price of a token is stale.

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